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Talking ONE GOAL

From book clubs to high school classes, soccer teams to community "big read" programs, ONE GOAL inspires conversation on so many levels.  With Booklist approval for Young Adult readers on up, ONE GOAL's thrilling tale of a high school soccer team's quest for its first championship proves to be, as Kirkus wrote in its starred review, "edifying and adrenaline-charged."


For pricing information about group/bulk book orders, email:


Interested in having Amy come talk to your organization or school, give a keynote address, work with students or Skype with your local book club?  Email: or contact Joanna Pinsker at Hachette Book Group:



Amy Bass at Nichols College

boston book festival

Bill Littlefield, Howard Bryant, Amy Bass, and Eton Thomas at the Boston Book Festival


Abdi H. signs copies of ONE GOAL at UML


Emma Tobin introduces Amy Bass at Pollard Memorial Library in Lowell, MA for the "Lowell Reads" program


Amy Bass at UML for "Lowell Reads"

ONE GOAL Stonington soccer

The Bears reading ONE GOAL over the summer to get ready for their season.

ONE GOAL Amy Bass soccer

These college students have ONE GOAL!

Talking #soccer with NRHS students for the _mbknewro community read #ONEGOAL from _hachettebooks wit

High school English classes gather to hear Amy Bass talk about ONE GOAL.

ONE GOAL Amy Bass soccer

Students in English class at the Berkshire School talk ONE GOAL.

ONE GOAL Amy Bass soccer

A community read program with the theme "Finding A Home in America" listens to Amy Bass talk about ONE GOAL.

AmyBass_StoningtonJuly2018_AnnaSawinPhoto-12 (1)

Signing a book for Stonington High School varsity soccer coach Paul de Castro, who is reading ONE GOAL with his team.

Amy Bass Howard Bryant Newbury

Sports management students at Newbury College with Amy Bass & Howard Bryant.

Swarthmore Amy Bass Valerie Smith

Swarthmore soccer coach Eric Wagner and President Valerie Smith with Amy Bass.


A young soccer team and coach get their copies of ONE GOAL signed!

© Copyright 2017 Amy Bass


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